m/v Waterfall II
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How to build a
Weight and Balance
As you are doing your design it is a good idea to consider the weight of the items you are putting in the boat.

If you are doing a navy boat like this, the engine is installed and the boat probably sits pretty good.

The first Waterfall I did not do a weight and balance and when I filled the fuel tanks and water tanks the back of the boat squated down, and raised up as the fuel and water was used.

This time I had the first Waterfall to use as a guide to do the weight and balance on the Waterfall II, fuel tanks aft, water tank forward for one consideration.  Guess we will find out when we launch it.

Items to consider, some are obvious, some are not-

Fuel tanks, weight when full
Water tanks, weight when full
Batteries, both starting batteries and house batteries
Hot water tank
Washer and Dryer

Thwartships is just as important as fore and aft.
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Alaska 2018